More About Real China

If you wanna know more about real China, be sure to check out often!

What’s happening in China these days. Unofficial, more interesting.

How do ordinary people view and evaluate international events?

We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.

Understanding the culture is the key to understanding the people.

More about Recent China

Tips on Chinese Culture

Are Chinese people easily deceived?

There is a Spanish saying:me engañaron como a un chino. It means:…

Quiz On How Well You Know About China

Human Rights

in China are a serious problem

Zhuangzi Said:

You are not a fish, so how can you know the happiness of a fish?

China's Threat

will bring harm to many countries

History Proves:

China has never colonized any other country or people in its history.


sentiment is dominant in China

The Truth Is:

Most Chinese are friendly to peace-loving foreigners, but not Japan.

If you’re not getting those answers, you probably don’t know a thing about China.