Are Chinese people easily deceived?


There is a Spanish saying:me engañaron como a un chino. It means: they fooled me as much as they tried to fool the Chinese. The first time I saw this saying, I felt very strange, are all Chinese people fools? Is it possible that Chinese people are all idiots? It has become a saying in Spain. I wonder if this saying is still popular in 2024.

Chatgpt answers: Historically, this expression may have originated from the experiences of Chinese immigrants in Spain and Latin American countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At that time, some Chinese immigrants were often targets of deception and exploitation due to language barriers, cultural differences and lower social status. This situation led to the creation of this colloquialism. However, modern-day Spaniards do not generally believe that Chinese people are easy to deceive. It is just an outdated expression that reflects some social phenomena and prejudices of the time. With globalization and increased cultural exchanges, people’s understanding of and respect for different cultures has grown.

This is actually a very interesting phenomenon. Usually, ordinary Chinese people are very friendly to foreigners (excluding some Japanese). When I was a kid, no matter black or white people, they are all guests to Chinese people, and if you lost your way because of language barrier, maybe a big mom on the main street would try to help you. This kind and tolerant concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people.

On the contrary, this Spanish proverb will make every Chinese very puzzled, a foreign friend who does not speak the language, come to an unfamiliar place, as the host should not be a smiling face to welcome the frank and sincere treatment? But it has become an object of deception and exploitation!

Although I have traveled briefly to Barcelona, Spain, and visited the world-famous Sagrada Familia Church, I am not familiar with the historical background of this Spanish proverb, and I may have a misunderstanding of it.

I welcome those who are familiar with Spanish history and culture to help me answer my questions.

Nowadays China and Spain have very good relations, and China is Spain’s number one trading partner outside the European Union.

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