Quick QA: why is Taiwan important to China?


Why is Taiwan important to China? If you can understand the following example, you will get the answer.

  • Dulce et decorum est pro patria more. (It’s Latin for “It is sweet and honorable to die for one’s country.” Although the phrase originated with the Roman poet Horace, it is widely quoted in English literature and culture.)
  • Give me liberty, or give me death! (A quote from Patrick Henry’s famous 1775 speech given during the American Revolutionary War. It expresses the determination of Americans to fight for freedom at the cost of their lives).

Since ancient times, the Chinese have pursued the harmony and unity of the family, the country and the world, both individually and mutually. And especially in modern history, the Chinese have borne the terrible price of the destruction of their country and their family.

Therefore, the blood of unification of the motherland, self-reliance, and self-improvement flows into the body of the Chinese people. (Just as Honor and Liberty are in the blood of the British and Americans respectively.)

This is also the simplest explanation of why Taiwan is important to China.

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